Friday, September 1, 2023

ISTE Proposal and Alonso Martinez

I just submitted an RFP to ISTE, and I would be shocked if I was selected. Below is a link to my submission, and if you see anything that is glaring, I would love feedback so that I can fix it. This is the same presentation I am doing at NYSCATE 2023 in November. I am Sure there will be upgrades. Every time I present, I learn new stuff to add. As you may know from my previous blog post, my presentation helps teachers transition from block coding to syntax coding. Here is my ISTE RFP.


I am not going to focus on the why of this presentation, as I did in the previous blog post. The gist of this blog post is to get other eyes on my ISTE presentation and to let you know that I recommended someone as a keynote speaker for ISTElive2024. I recommend Alonso Martinez. Now, Alonso works for Google in the AI department. But previously, for 10 years, Alonso worked for Pixar. Alonso is an excellent artist and has an exceptional story. And I think his story would be important for educators to hear. Here is the video that acquainted me with Alonso and why I think he would be a great speaker. 


A. Auman said...

Very interesting, would love to learn more about the searching techniques with AI that offers grammar help but not change the structure or words of a document. I would also love to know what their ethical proposal was that the class agreed and signed.

Abby Marsh said...

Here is a good video to watch from the News.