Monday, January 9, 2023

Rich Conversations about Education (Again)

I recently joined Mastodon and blurted out a toot. On Mastodon they are called "toots." On Twitter they are called "tweets."

Let me clarify the second part of the toot concerning reading. Basically, all of us do not read as intently as we should. I am guilty of just “clicking agree,” and not reading the entire statement. Typically, when I can’t do something on a website, it’s because I skipped over reading something important. 

My toot elicited some great responses

Now, Don Watkins are pretty good friend and he was the one who suggested Mastodon to me. Don and I have lunch together about once-a-month.

It took a bit longer for Will Richardson to chime in. CABOCES had Will Richardson to our schools about 14 years ago. Web 2.0 had just come to fruition. All of us were learning about Blogs, Wikis, and RSS feeds. Many of which are technologies that I use everyday. Will Richardson is a writer and the act of writing requires one to really think about what they are going to say. Here is Will’s response. 

I would love to know your thoughts on this. Do schools "make space for real professional development?"

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